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While making sure your employees have the health care coverage they need may seem like a daunting task, we make it easy for you to navigate.

  1. Tax incentives – Generally speaking, any expenses an employer incurs related to health insurance (for employees or for dependents) are 100% tax-deductible as ordinary business expenses, on both state and federal income taxes.
  2. Improve hiring and recruiting – A benefits package can appeal to both new hires while setting businesses apart from competitors, saving you time and money in recruitment costs.
  3. Employee loyalty and retention – Offering group health insurance can help small businesses keep their top employees for the long term.

Contribution Strategy: Employer/Employee Share, Composites/Age-Based, Percentage/Flat Dollar.

Deductibles, Copayments, and Coinsurance: Ensure you and your employees understand these buckets of benefits, and how they’re applied when seeking care.

Medical provider networks: Understand your network and whether it’s open, closed, full, limited, preferred, exclusive, or open-access.

Prescription drug coverage: Do you know the role and impact of your Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM)? Are all your plan savings finding their way to you? 

Ancillary coverage: There’s many ways to enhance your benefits with affordable solutions that provide additional protection for your most important asset, your staff and their families.

There’s a variety of ways to structure, design and manage employee benefits plans. We help our clients customize for success and partner with SolV Independent Insurance Associates to deliver the best outcomes for those we serve. Some keys that help us deliver better outcomes:

1. Funding Strategy

Providing benefits is expensive, and the growing variety of options can be overwhelming. We bring simplicity and confidence to the table by collaborating with employers to determine their best funding strategy based on the right mix of insurance and risk according to their specific preferences, budget and priorities.

2. Comprehensive Support

In today’s competitive labor market, employers need more than a broker who shows up for a few months each year to coordinate renewal and open enrollment. We take pride in delivering exceptional value and support throughout the year, including many extras that make our clients’ lives easier and more efficient.

3. Holistic Approach

Many employers we encounter are frustrated by a system that seems to be stacked against them and their employees. Our core belief that our purpose is to be a blessing to others drives everything we do, and we are on a mission to educate, equip and empower those we have the honor of representing. 

We understand that deciding between plans can be very stressful and time-consuming. We can help you break down the options and find a plan that makes sense for your organization. Let’s set up a time this week to discuss your needs.